
Customized coin purse S

Regular price $1,800.00
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This coin purse is made of high quality grained Italian leather. It can be easily opened with one hand due to the push-closure type. The gentle touch gives it an elegant impression. It is also recommended as a gift. It is lightweight and has a simple, clean, and cute form that eliminates waste, making it suitable for use as an accessory case for earrings, necklaces, etc. in addition to a coin purse. The thin gusset allows for smart and minimalist use even when placed in a pouch. It is available in a wide range of colors, from natural colors to bright colors that can be used as a point of reference. We recommend that you choose one that matches your mood or coordinates with your outfit. Bell la bell is an original leather brand established in 1974 by Takanashi Co. We manufacture and sell handmade products using genuine leather. bell la bell handles everything from planning to manufacturing and sales in-house. Cutting of leather, leather making, gluing, polishing, sewing, and inspection...these processes are done by hand by our craftsmen. Please enjoy the elegant design and high quality feel of our products by taking advantage of the experience we have cultivated over the years.

<bell la bell> Customized coin purse S
<bell la bell> Customized coin purse S
<bell la bell> Customized coin purse S
Regular price $1,800.00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

This coin purse is made of high quality grained Italian leather. It can be easily opened with one hand due to the push-closure type. The gentle touch gives it an elegant impression. It is also recommended as a gift. It is lightweight and has a simple, clean, and cute form that eliminates waste, making it suitable for use as an accessory case for earrings, necklaces, etc. in addition to a coin purse. The thin gusset allows for smart and minimalist use even when placed in a pouch. It is available in a wide range of colors, from natural colors to bright colors that can be used as a point of reference. We recommend that you choose one that matches your mood or coordinates with your outfit. Bell la bell is an original leather brand established in 1974 by Takanashi Co. We manufacture and sell handmade products using genuine leather. bell la bell handles everything from planning to manufacturing and sales in-house. Cutting of leather, leather making, gluing, polishing, sewing, and inspection...these processes are done by hand by our craftsmen. Please enjoy the elegant design and high quality feel of our products by taking advantage of the experience we have cultivated over the years.


  • 即使是同一塊皮革,由於不同部位的纖維密度和厚度不同,也可能會出現染色不均勻的情況。
  • 我們盡力再現產品照片的實際顏色和紋理,但顯示器或移動設備顯示(液晶、亮度等的差異)、屏幕設置、產品照片拍攝條件等。 ,圖像照片與實際產品之間可能存在輕微顏色差異。
  • 我們保留一定數量的庫存,以便隨時供應,但由於它們是天然材料,因此可能會出現生產數量減少或供應跟不上需求等情況,因此,庫存可能不穩定。請注意。

タテ7cm × ヨコ8cm




bell la bell/ベルラベル

身に着けることで自然と背筋が伸びる、 気持ちが少しでも上を向くような”あなたにとってお気に入りのレザーアイテム"を提供します。bell la bellは企画から製造、販売まで自社で手掛けています。レザーの裁断、革漉き、のり付け、磨き加工、裁縫、検品… これらの工程を職人によって手作業で行います。長年培ってきた経験を活かして上品なデザインと上質な肌触りをお楽しみください。

bell la bellの商品一覧はこちら
