月曜日のおとぼけお仕事女子 やる気の出ない月曜日。スッキリセットアップに動きやすいスタイリングで。個性的なアイテムを持って月曜日も頑張れそう。 Items used ETiAMhandbag Turquoise Blue $11,317.00 野村製作所coin purse Gold $2,199.00 bell la bellcoin purse Greige $3,557.00 Sold Out bell la bellcoin purse Black $3,557.00 Sold Out Neutral Graylong wallet silver-white $4,527.00 Brands used Streamlined three-dimensional design ETiAM Nomura Seisakusho has been making small leather goods since 1923. Nomura Manufacturing Co. Brands with elegant design and comfortable leather bell la bell These are lightweight products that, once used, you won't want to let go of. Neutral Gray WORK Item Collection